PETRONAS exits South Sudan and leaves a ruinous legacy behind

PETRONAS announced its immediate exit from South Sudan on 7 August 2024, abandoning its 40% stake in the country’s petroleum industry without reimbursement. Consequently, its once valuable assets are now with the state oil company Nilepet. The impromptu exit of Malaysia’s oil major illustrates the grim prospects for South Sudan’s oil industry. PETRONAS leaves a […]

PETRONAS exits South Sudan and leaves a ruinous legacy behind Read More »

Plaintiff Gatkuoth Liah Diu

Plaintiffs Face Renewed Threats, Investigation Reopened

South Sudanese plaintiffs continue to endure harassment and threats of violence against themselves and their families should they dare to speak ill of Lundin in court. In response, Swedish authorities have reopened a criminal investigation into allegations of witness tampering by Ian Lundin, Alex Schneiter, and possibly also Orrön Energy (formerly Lundin Energy). In spite

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Plaintiff Nyal Dual Diu

Update from the Court: Testimonies of War Crimes and Attempts to Discredit Witnesses

The trial continues to unfold in Stockholm, where from May 28th to September 26th, 2024, 14 out of 32 South Sudanese plaintiffs testified in court. Each plaintiff recounted how their lives were upended starting 1998, the year Lundin entered South Sudan, sharing their harrowing experiences about Government forces and allied militias attacking villages, looting, burning

Update from the Court: Testimonies of War Crimes and Attempts to Discredit Witnesses Read More »

E11: The First Witnesses

The First Witnesses The trial has entered a new phase, marking a significant moment as the first South Sudanese witnesses take the stand. For several days, both the prosecution and defense teams have meticulously analyzed their testimonies, deconstructing the details of their statements. Pastor James Dong Kuong Ninrew and Reverend Matthew Mattiang Deang were among

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E10: The Defense Tactics

The Defense Tactics The defense has finished their presentations in court, and we all wonder: what is their strategy, and did they present any striking new evidence to prove their clients’ innocence?  In this episode, we delve into the courtroom tactics used by the defense team, examining their key arguments and how they aim to

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Pek in nhiam: Ɛ luk tuɔkɛ

Pek in nhiam: Ɛ luk tuɔkɛ We are happy to announce the launch of the first episode of our program in Nuer, the local language spoken in Unity state in the area where Block 5A was located and where the alleged crimes were committed. Please spread the word and make sure it reaches people who

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