E15: Nuer and the Oil

Nuer and the Oil

In today’s episode, Sharon E. Hutchinson and James Ninrew Dong share their memories and impressions of the very first oil discoveries in Unity State. Reflecting on these events, they explore what has transpired since then.

What impact has the oil industry had on the land and people of Unity State? What consequences is the community still grappling with today?


– James Nirew Dong, Reverend with Presbyterian Church of South Sudan, Secretary General of Liech Victim Voice: a community organization advocating for victims in the oil areas, founder of Assistance Mission for Africa and a plaintiff in the trial.
– Sharon E. Hutchinson, anthropologist and scholar, author of the book “Nuer Dilemmas: Coping with Money, War and the State” founder of the publishing company South Sudan Cultural Productions – as well as a new website – www.nuerdilemmas.com 


– Halima Athumani


This is the Lundin War Crimes Trial, brought to you by Pax and Global Idé. The music in this podcast is made by the artist JJ Kang and edited by Roos Boer, producer and editor Sara Hadfy Högström. Visit unpaiddebt.org for more background and updates from the trial. There you may also listen to more interviews with victims and experts, read expert analysis, an interactive map of attacks in Lundin’s concession area and access background information about the case.

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