The Trial

Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: Women South Sudan
Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: James
Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: Steven
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This website is about the war crimes trial of Lundin Energy.

It is part of the Unpaid Debt project that seeks justice for victims of Sudan’s oil war.

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  • E17: Witnesses at Risk: “We are going to assassinate each and every one”

    E17: Witnesses at Risk: “We are going to assassinate each and every one”

    Before one of the plaintiffs’ testimonies in court in 2024, an audio clip is played. It’s a threat directed at every witness in the trial against Lundin Oil: “We are going to assassinate each and every one.” In today’s episode, we are joined by Anna Roxvall and Carolina Jemsby, the two renowned journalists behind the…

  • E16: The Defendants – Ian Lundin

    E16: The Defendants – Ian Lundin

    In today’s episode we are joined by two experts who are closely following the trial: Ebony Wade, Legal Adviser at Civil Rights Defenders and Martin Schibbye, Journalist and Editor in Chief at Blankspot. The trial has now reached a critical stage, with the defendants – Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter – being questioned. We’ll listen…

  • How can justice be achieved for victims of war crimes?

    How can justice be achieved for victims of war crimes?

    Fanny Holm LLD, ass. professor of law at the Umeå University, has analyzed how expectations in international law and justice theory concerning reparations are met by Swedish law and practice. She explains why the Lundin trial is failing to assure this right and how Sweden could repair the flaws in its legal system. Regarding the chances for…

  • E15: The Nuer and Oil

    E15: The Nuer and Oil

    Nuer and the Oil In today’s episode, Sharon E. Hutchinson and James Ninrew Dong share their memories and impressions of the very first oil discoveries in Unity State. Reflecting on these events, they explore what has transpired since then. What impact has the oil industry had on the land and people of Unity State? What…

  • E14: The Nuer Way of Life

    E14: The Nuer Way of Life

    The Nuer Way of Life Join renowned anthropologist Sharon E. Hutchinson and Chuol Ruei Deng as they delve into the rich cultural heritage of the Nuer people. In this episode, they explore the Nuer’s traditions, culture, and social structures. How well has the Nuer community been understood in the court case, and how have the…

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