
Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: Women South Sudan
Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: James
Unpaid Debt - The Right to Remedy: Steven
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  • The global impact of the Lundin trial

    The global impact of the Lundin trial

    Politico.com has examined the global impact of the Lundin trial on corporate liability in the context of international law. Undcr the Rome Statute, states parties are expected to prosecute international crimes – war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide – before their national courts. It established the International Criminal Court as a court of last…

  • How can justice be achieved for victims of war crimes?

    How can justice be achieved for victims of war crimes?

    Fanny Holm LLD, ass. professor of law at the Umeå University, has analyzed how expectations in international law and justice theory concerning reparations are met by Swedish law and practice. She explains why the Lundin trial is failing to assure this right and how Sweden could repair the flaws in its legal system. Regarding the chances for…

  • E15: The Nuer and Oil

    E15: The Nuer and Oil

    Nuer and the Oil In today’s episode, Sharon E. Hutchinson and James Ninrew Dong share their memories and impressions of the very first oil discoveries in Unity State. Reflecting on these events, they explore what has transpired since then. What impact has the oil industry had on the land and people of Unity State? What…

  • Principles vs. Practice

    Principles vs. Practice

    PAX and Swedwatch announce a joint side event during the 13th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights about frictions between the human rights responsibilities of companies under the UNGPs, the right to remedy for victims of gross human rights abuses, and the practice of holding corporations to account for international crimes through criminal justice. …

  • The BBC on oil in South Sudan

    The BBC on oil in South Sudan

    The BBC has published a podcast episode about the Lundin war crimes trial and the impact of flooding in the oil producing areas of Unity State: The Documentary Podcast – Poisoned flood: South Sudan life at 50°C – BBC Sounds, or https://castbox.fm/vb/752210098  At the same time, the BBC published a documentary film about life in…

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