Along the oil road

January 2000 – January 2001 A ruthless, year-long GoS assault to secure the environs to the oil concession and the access road leading to it Perpetrator: GoS Reference: The Scorched Earth, pp 10-13

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Villlages along the oil road

March 2000 Systematic attacks on the villlages along the oil road began. One village was bombed ten times before government troops finally burned out the residents. Antonovs bombed villages, GoS troops burned huts and killed any people who had stayed. Perpetrator: GoS Reference: The Scorched Earth, p 11

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Between Bentiu and Adok

31 December 2002 to 30 January 2003 Deliberate attacks against civilians and civilian facilities in a number of locations south of Mankien in the west, and proximate to planned Government of Sudan (GoS) oil field all-weather access roads in the east between Bentiu-Adok Perpetrator: GoSReference: CPMT Final Report Military Events in Western Upper Nile 31

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Between Bentiu and Guk

Late April 1999 An SSDF contingent from Koch ambushed a government troop convoy at a place two hours south of Bentiu and one and a half hours from Guk. Supported by government artillery the forces of Matiep broke through the ambush. Perpetrator: The SSDF, GoS, Matiep´s forces Reference: HRW 2003, p 202; SSDF officer, interview,

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