Late June 1998
Matiep attacked Leer
Perpetrator: Matiep´s forces
Reference: HRW 2003: 148, 150, 156, 162, 168; “Civilians Displaced by Sudan Fights,” AP, Khartoum, July 27, 1998; Michael Wal, interview, August 18, 1999; William Magany, interview, August 18, 1999; Isaac Magok, interview, August 14, 1999; Michael Wal, interview, August 18, 1999. Others who were killed included local traders and one old woman who was burned inside her house. When Maj. Gen. Paulino Matiep’s forces arrived, three boys were killed in cross fire. Martha N., Human Rights Watch interview, Nyal, Western Upper Nile, southern Sudan, August 18-20, 1999; S.E. Hutchinson, interview, March 22, 2000; Gideon Bading, interview, August 20, 1999. “Aid Agencies Pull Out of Sudanese Region,” AFP, Nairobi, July 7, 1998; MSF press release, “Insecurity Hinders Provision of Humanitarian Assistance in Southern Sudan,” Nairobi, July 7, 1998; U.N. OLS (Southern Sector), “Emergency Update No. 12,” Nairobi, July 17, 1998. OLS is the U.N. umbrella agency coordinating the relief effort for Sudan; Paul Wilson, interview, May 16, 2001. The army garrison at Ler (Payak) had acquiesced in the assault: HRW 2003: 152; Isaac Magok, interview, August 14, 1999; Ler chief, interview, July 26, 1999; “Faction Fighting in Southern Sudan Kills 49,” AFP, Khartoum, July 15, 1998; WFP, “WFP Delivers First Food in Months to Tens of Thousands of Sudanese Cut Off by War in Southern Sudan,” Nairobi, December 8, 1998, quoting David Fletcher, acting WFP Representative and Deputy Coordinator, OLS