Along the Bentiu-Leer-Adok-Road

Late December 2002 – February 2003

GoS dry season offensive in Block 5A. Women and children attacked, gang rapes, ground assaults supported by helicopters and gunships, destruction of humanitarian relief sites and burning of villages.

Perpetrator: GoS
Reference: HRW 2003: 455; Herbert J. Lloyd, Civilian Protection Monitoring Team (CPMT), “CPMT Final Report: Military Events in Western Upper Nile 31 December 2002 to 30 January 2003,” February 6, 2003; Charles H. Baumann, CPMT, “Report of Investigation: Violence Against Civilians Along the Bentieu-Leer-Adok-Road,” Khartoum, August 19, 2003, (accessed September 24, 2003);, p 37, 73, 93 (accessed August 23, 2001); International Crisis Group briefing, 10 February 2003, Sudan’s Oilfields Burn Again: Brinkmanship Endangers The Peace Process,

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