
October 31, 1999

The Riek Machar UDSF/SSDF accused Paulino Matiep of summarily executing twenty-five SSDF officers in Bentiu. Paulino Matiep denied this and said that some SSDF forces had died in combat when they attacked the town. 25 SSDF murdered in Bentiu by Paulino during peace talks according to the Lundin diary. Included SSDF commander in Jikenge
area, Angelo Ruai.

Perpetrator: Matiep’s forces
Reference: HRW 2004, pp. 246-7; “Sudanese Faction Claims 25 Officers Killed by Rivals,” AFP, Khartoum, November 3, 1999; “Southern Sudan Leader Says 25 Fighters Killed by Rival,” AP, Khartoum, November 3, 1999; Mohamed Osman, “Report: 40 Killed In Fighting between Rival Southern Militias,” AP, Khartoum, November 5, 1999; Lundin Diary of Events, p 6, Aktbilaga 874, p 72

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