
July 11-12, 1999

Matiep’s forces killed, abducted and arrested UDSF civilian supporters in Bentiu. Matiep’s forces launch an attack inside Bentiu, killing two state ministers and wounding a third. Many other officials and towns people are detained at Matiep’s base. People are forced to flee to Turgoi, Nyachum, Jurez and Gezira.

Perpetrator: Matiep’s forces
Reference: HRW 2003, p 197, 234, 554; Elijah Hon Top, interview, July 26, 1999; Ali Yassin, minister of justice, Human Rights Watch interview, Khartoum, August 3, 1999; Hassan Abdin, undersecretary of foreign affairs, Human Rights Watch interview, Khartoum, August 3, 1999. See also, U.N. OLS (Northern Sector), “Weekly Report: July 14, 1999;” Alfred Taban, “Two Regional Officials Killed in South Sudan Feud,” Reuters, Khartoum, July 13, 1999). At least eleven civilians killed, including two children, and many cattle. (HRW 2003, p 236; SSDF officer, interview, August 3, 1999). Governor Simon said many of the captives were killed and that only he and ten others had survived. (HRW 2003, p 235, (Simon) Magwek Gai Majak, UDSF/SSDF governor of Western Upper Nile, Human Rights Watch interview, Ganyliel, Western Upper Nile, April 6, 2001; Aktbilaga 640, p 93

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