Lundin investigation completed. Prosecutor: “Sufficient grounds for indictment”

The Swedish Prosecution Authority announced today that the Lundin investigation is complete. ‘We believe we have sufficient grounds for a prosecution’, says Chief Prosecutor Henrik Attorps to Dagens Nyheter, indicating a firm intention to take the case to court.

Tuesday afternoon, the Description of Suspicions and the complete files were sent to the suspects – a procedure known as final notification. The suspects have until August 30 to study them and to request for supplementary investigative measures. Only then can the Prosecution formally decide to take the case to court. Hearings may start as soon as the first quarter of 2021.

Dagens Nyheter also reports that the parallel investigation into Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter for harassment and bribery of witnesses is ongoing. According to Thomas Alstrand, Deputy Chief Prosecutor in Gothenburg, who is leading the investigation, the pandemic has prevented him from hearing witnesses.