E17: Witnesses at Risk: “We are going to assassinate each and every one”

Before one of the plaintiffs’ testimonies in court in 2024, an audio clip is played. It’s a threat directed at every witness in the trial against Lundin Oil: “We are going to assassinate each and every one.”

In today’s episode, we are joined by Anna Roxvall and Carolina Jemsby, the two renowned journalists behind the investigative documentary “Lundinfallet – Tysta alla vittnen” at Kalla fakta, TV4. 

In their documentary, published on March 20th, they uncover evidence of witness tampering in the ongoing Lundin trial. They reveal serious threats and violence faced by key witnesses, shedding a light on the dangerous repercussions of speaking out in this high-stakes case and highlighting the courage of those who have chosen to testify.


– Anna Roxvall, Journalist and Editor in Chief at Myteri publishing.
– Carolina Jemsby, Journalist at Kalla fakta TV4. 


– Halima Athumani

This is the Lundin War Crimes Trial, brought to you by PaX and Global Idé. The music in this podcast is made by the artist JJ Kang and edited by Roos Boer, producer and editor Sara Hadfy Högström. Visit unpaiddebt.org for more background and updates from the trial. There you may also listen to more interviews with victims and experts, read expert analysis, an interactive map of attacks in Lundin’s concession area and access background information about the case.

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