Media, Julia Crawford, 26-10-2018
Lundin faces prosecution for Sudan oil war abuses
Sweden’s government has given the green light for the Public Prosecutor to charge two top executives of the Stockholm-based Lundin Petroleum company for assisting suspected crimes against humanity in Sudan between 1997 and 2003 by fueling the country’s oil wars in the south. This is being hailed by NGOs as a ‘unique case’ for corporate accountability. While the company denies any wrongdoing.

Dagens industri, Frida Sundkvist, Sweden, 9-1-2014
War Crimes investigation against Lundin delayed
Because of the bloody conflict in the notorious Block 5A, it may take some time before the investigators who were conducting hearings in the war crimes investigation against Lundin return to South Sudan.

Stavanger Aftenbladet, Elisabeth Seglem, Norway, 1-3-2013
Norway does not control oil companies’ past

Stavanger Aftenbladet, Elisabeth Seglem and Ina Gundersen, Norway, 28-2-2013
Lundin Petroleums answer

Stavanger Aftenbladet, Elisabeth Seglem and Ina Gundersen, Norway, 27-2-2013
Oil party with consequences

Alfonbladet, Ina Gundersen, 27-2-2013
Greens brand Lundin “a bandit”

Dagavisen, Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth, Norway, 11-1-2013
Blood money on the Norwegian shelf
The Swedish oil company, Lundin Petroleum, which operates on the Norwegian continental shelf, is being investigate for breaches of international law.

Dagsavisen, Norway, 16-1-2013
The campaign against us
Chairman of the Board for Lundin Petroleum, Ian Lundin rejects the claims made in Dagsavisen’s article of Friday 11th January, in which Egbert Wesselink continues his campaign against Lundin Petroleum.

xmag, Maren Sæbø, Bentiu, South Sudan,  3-1-2013
Lundin not welcome
Human Rights Watch, Christian Aid, the oil company Talisman and the UN are among those who have documented what happened. So many knew, but apparently not Lundin.

Dagen, Jacob Zetterman, 16-5-2012
The road back to the victims is so long
Carl Bildt and Ian Lundin should travel to South Sudan and ask for forgiveness. On Egbert Wesselink’s part a reconciliation process with Christian overtones weighs more heavily than accusations of crimes under international law in a Swedish court.

Dagens Nyheter, 11-5-2012
Clean up the oil act
Last year Lundin Petroleum achieved its best operating results ever. Its successful operations in Norway have made Lundin into a major and important Nordic player. And particular demands are made of these. For this reason, it is deeply regrettable that the company AGM yesterday voted no to a demand for an independent enquiry into the many unanswered questions about its activities in Sudan and Ethiopia.

Dagens Industri, Jan Almgren, 11-5-2012
Up against the wall
Lundin petroleum’s AGM was marked by very tough words and major antagonisms.

Dagens Nyheter, Johan Brosché, 22-3-2012
“Why should the public believe the Lundin Group’s version?”
Why should I and the general public believe accusations made against the Lundin Group are ‘unfounded and unjust’ rather than believing Amnesty, FN, Human Rights Watch, ICG and world-leading experts on the Sudan, writes Johan Brosché.

Office of the Prosecutorm 22-3-2012
Comments on the preliminary investigation into crimes under international law in Sudan
Since June 2010 district public prosecutor Magnus Elving at the office of the International Public Prosecutor in Stockholm has been conducting a preliminary investigation into crimes against international human rights in Sudan during the period 1997 to 2003.

Aftonbladet, Lagercrantz, Brandt, Wennman, 11-3-2012
No-one has received any help here, Bildt
A preliminary criminal investigation is underway into the oil company Lundin Petroleum, formerly Lundin Oil. Public prosecutor Magnus Elving will have to decide on reports of murder and the mass expulsion of people in southern Sudan. Question: Is the company guilty of crimes under international law here?

Aftonbladet, Lagercrantz, Brandt, 9-3-2012
They are the forgotten victims of the oil

Le Monde, Olivier Truc, 23-2-2011
Sud-Soudanais dénoncent le role du Lundin Petroleum dans des crimes commis au Soudanl
Article published by Le Monde on the role of Lundin Petrouleum in Sudan – in French

xmag, Anne Hege Simonsen, Norway, 1-3-2001
The last oil for South Sudan
The oil industry in Sudan is leading to escalation of the civil war say voluntary organisations. The oil is helping to develop the country, says Carl Bildt, Sweden’s former Prime Minister and current UN envoy to the Balkans. Bildt is a board member of controversial oil company, Lundin Oil.

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