Reports of destruction of Leer and Adok by Paulino troops

31 July 1998

Considerable damage to villages and theft of livestock throughout the block. Heavy and indiscriminate bombardment in which many men, women and children were killed. Leer was burned to ashes. Civilians were burned alive inside tukuls in Leer. Women and girls as young as six years old were raped even after losing their consciousness in Leer.

Perpetrators: Paulino Matiep´s men under his command. Operational commanders in Leer were: Colonel Gatluak Gai Kuach, alternate commanders Peter Gatdet Yak and Dor Manjur Gatluak, Commissioner Kunuot Chany Teny and others.

Reference: Lundin Diary of Events p 3, Aktbilaga 874 p 69; Aktbilaga 954, p 38-9

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